The COVID-19 pandemic had major impacts on health and social care in Northern Ireland during 2020. The Patient and Client Council are keen to hear how the pandemic has affected your healthcare or social care, and how appropriate and effective you feel the Health and Social Care (HSC) response to COVID-19 has been. We’re engaging with the public through this survey in an effort to understand:
- People’s experiences of using HSC services during the COVID-19 pandemic;
- The consequences of COVID-19 for people’s routine / scheduled healthcare and social care.
- People’s levels of satisfaction with the restrictions imposed on ‘normal’ HSC services due to COVID-19; and
- The extent to which people feel that they have been adequately informed on how to keep themselves (and the wider population) safe and healthy.
Your views expressed will help the PCC and the wider HSC organisations to:
- Learn what people think has worked well, or not so well; and to
- Use this learning to adapt better to COVID-19 in future, and particularly to inform decisions around ‘restarting’ HSC services during 2021