Belfast Men’s Health Group and Friends of the Cancer Centre are using pedal power to mark International Men’s Day on Tuesday 19th November. A Spinathon has been organised at the Cancer Centre on Tuesday 19th November from 12 until 2pm with 10-minute slots available on the spin bike. If you would like to register to keep the wheels spinning contact Paul O’Kane on 02895 049951 or e-mail
This Spinathon will provide an opportunity to raise awareness of the importance of physical activity to cancer prevention. Also, to find more information on men’s health issues.
All funds raised will go to local charity Friends of the Cancer Centre to help support its work, which includes funding clinical nurse specialists dedicated to looking after men with testicular and prostate cancer.
If you would like to get involved meet in Spoons Restaurant RVH at 12 midday and join us as we walk to the Belfast City Hospital.