Exercise and Healthy Ageing free Webinar

The Institute of Public Health (IPH) invites you to attend a free webinar titled ‘Exercise and Healthy Ageing’ on 24th October 2024. This will focus on the role of physical activity in preventing, delaying or reversing frailty.

This webinar runs from 10.00am to Noon and will include presentations from Professor Maria Fiatarone Singh (University of Sydney), Dr John Travers (Trinity College Dublin) and Alison Patterson (Public Health Agency).

Professor Roger O’Sullivan (IPH Director of Ageing Research and Development) will also chair a panel discussion / Q&A, with contributions from Leila Beattie (Age and Opportunity), Dr Ruth McCullagh (University College Cork), George Bell (Frailty Network) and Professor Roman Romero Ortuno (Trinity College Dublin).

Book a place at: https://us06web.zoom.us/…/WN_HZG1svWLT0yAbVJpejvPWA…